How To Get A Septic Tank Permit From Your Local Council
Gaining a septic tank permit from your local council to build your home is not always straight forward and the regulations vary from council to council.
To get a septic tank permit you need to understand the basics of a septic tank system.
So it makes sense to hand the process over to the experts. With over 20 years experience the team at Worm Farm Waste Systems has been liaising with local councils from all over Australia. As a result they have made the permit application process very simple and easy for its customers. They will complete and manage your eco septic tank system application during its approval process. We do all the hard work for you.
Under the Environment Protection Act 1970:
- A septic tank system means a system for the bacterial, biological, chemical or physical treatment of sewage, and includes all tanks, beds, sewers, drains, pipes, fittings, appliances and land used in connection with the system.
- Sewage means any waste containing human excreta or domestic waste water, including waste water from kitchens, laundries, bathrooms and toilets.
One of the most commonly asked questions is “Will council allow approve my eco septic tank permit in my area?”
If you would like to speak to your local council directly we have provided over 200 links to councils all around Australia.
In Short The Answer Is More Then Likely YES!
Not only do councils approve the your Eco Septic Tank Permit, in this age of sustainability they welcome it!
The key to gaining council approval is to submit an application which gives your council all the relevant information they need. Most councils require a Land Capability Assessment sometimes called a soil percolation report to be submitted with the permit application. A geotechnical engineer needs to be engaged to carry out an analysis of your property and then produce a report.
The factors taken into consideration by the geotechnical engineer when producing the report include the quantity of wastewater generated – for a domestic dwelling this is calculated by looking at the number of bedrooms, soil conditions, and environmental features such as dams, rivers, creeks, bores etc. and the aspect of the property.
We can help you by recommending a geotechnical engineering company in your area for you to engage.
A septic tank permit application needs the following information
- A site plan
- A floor plan
- A copy of the certificate of title for the property ( some councils require this )
- Payment of the permit fee
The Worm Farm Waste Systems team will use the information provided in the LCA to design a site specific system which is appropriate for you property. This design will be overlayed on the site plan you provide and submitted to council as part of the permit application. To find out more about your local septic tank regulations go here. property and then produce a report.
Worm Farm Waste Systems are in contact with councils throughout the eastern and central states every day and intimately understand the processes that need to be followed in order to gain approval for your septic tank permit
If you are considering a natural, environmentally sustainable septic tank system for your site, contact our customer service team today to find out more!